Back to Business; Butt in Chair

After a year of questioning my desire and dedication to writing, it is time than to get back to the business.  I am launching the planning phase of a series of fantasy/steampunk series of novels.  The planning will consist of a) world building and b) detailed outlining.  I expect this planning phase to last about four months, so I will give myself a deadline of when we go away to the short, expected in late June.

You see, the thing about the itch to write is that it doesn’t go away.  It gnaws at you. The only way to satisfy it is BIC: butt in chair.

Consider this butt now firmly back in the chair (though at this moment, on the floor near the fireplace, with laptop on the coffee table).

And part of getting back to business include returning to regular blogging, and posting this blog entries on my author FB page.  Like this one!  Up next: a bit of game writing, as we visit Lord of the Rings: The Card Game.